Examining the Epistles

Examining the Epistles

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Final Review of Themes & Thoughts From I Thessalonians
 I Thess. 1:5-10 A Model Church (Message #3)

I. The Essential Element (vs. 5)

  • The essential element necessary for the gospel to take affect is the power of the Holy Ghost.
  • The power of the Holy Ghost was so evidently manifested that it produced great assurance in the hearts of the Thessalonians as to the veracity of the gospel.
  • While the indwelling of the Spirit is a one-time and permanent event, the filling of the Spirit must be sought after time and again.
  • We have a constant supply of Holy Spirit power if we will take the time to seek His filling.

II. The Evangelistic Example (vs. 6-8)

  • The Thessalonians followed the example of Paul, Silas, and Timothy as they suffered for the sake of the gospel.
  • The way in which the Thessalonians received the Word of God was an example to their province and those provinces surrounding them.
  • Once the Word of God has been received with joy, those who have received it should count it a joy to send the Word forth.

III. The Effectual Entrance (vs. 9-10)

  • The gospel had a tremendous effect on the lives of the Thessalonians.
  • Their faith in Christ caused them to turn from idols, to serve the living and true God, and to wait with anticipation for the return of Jesus.
  • While waiting for Jesus, they were also working for Jesus.

I Thess. 2:1-12 The Gospel Delivered & Displayed (Message #4)

I. The Gospel Preached (vs. 1-6)

  • The mistreatment that Paul and Silas received in Philippi did not deter them from preaching in the same manner when they reached Thessalonica.
  • The Word of God was preached with power, purity, not seeking profit, but only wanting to please God.

II. The Godly Practices (vs. 7-10)

  • At the top of the list of reasons why Paul's ministry at Thessalonica was so fruitful would undoubtedly be the power of the Holy Spirit, but somewhere near the top of that list would be the manner in which Paul, Silas, and Timothy lived among the Thessalonians.
  • They could preach so boldly because they lived so compassionately.
  • They were as gentle as a nursing mother caring for her infant.
  • If we are going to be effective witnesses it will be because we have the power of the Holy Spirit on our lives and because we conduct ourselves with grace and compassion.

III. The Good Produced (vs. 11-13)

  • The gospel preached coupled with the godly practices resulted in many coming to Christ.
  • Those that came to Christ were challenged to walk worthy of God.
  • We have been given a honor higher than that of wearing a uniform for a country or a jersey for some ball team...we have been called children of God.
  • God's desire is that we would act like His children.
  • God's Word has the greatest affect on those who take it as God's Word.

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