Examining the Epistles

Examining the Epistles

Monday, June 3, 2013

Review of Thoughts & Themes of I Thessalonians
I Thess. 3:6-13 A Good Report (Message #7)

I. The Power of Faithful Lives (vs. 6-8)

  • Paul was comforted by the report that Timothy brought back from the Thessalonians concerning their faith, love toward one another, and remembrance of those who had labored among them.
  • The burdens of Paul seemed lighter when those under his spiritual watch care did well.
  • The faithfulness of a young Christian can breathe life and vitality into a Christian who has labored long for the the Lord.

II. The Prayer of Fervid Leaders (vs. 9-11)

  • The joy that Paul received from the good news concerning the Thessalonians only caused him to pray more fervently for God to let him return to Thessalonica.
  • The reason for his desire to return was that he might perfect what was lacking in the faith of the Thessalonians.
  • Paul knew that face to face teaching would be of great value to the believers in Thessalonica.
  • Paul found great joy in teaching the Word of God to others.

III. The Purpose of Flourishing Love (vs. 12-13)

  • True holiness is produced by an increased love for God and others.
  • A growing love for God will continually deter me from doing things that displease Him.
  • A growing love for others will continually deter me from doing things that hurt others.

I Thess. 4:1-12 The Will of God Concerning Sanctification (Preached on Sunday Morning Message # 8)

I. The Stated Will (vs. 1-4)

  • Sanctification is the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit to purge a born-again believer from the works of the flesh and to produce in the believer the fruit of the Spirit.
  • We are saved for our good, but also for God's glory as we shew forth His praises.
  • Salvation is only the beginning of what God intends to do in our lives.

II. The Sanctified Walk (vs. 9-12)

  • The Christian life is a walk, not a sprint.
  • Gal. 5:16-23 plainly describes the things that will be purged from us and the fruit that will be produced in us.
  • We must honestly consider which describe our life more; works of the flesh or fruit of the Spirit.

III. The Spirit's Work (vs. 7-8)

  • The spiritual manifestations of God's grace are not things we muster up in our own strength.
  • Fruit is produced by the Vine.
  • When a believer despises someone for challenging them to walk away from sin they are not despising the person, but God. (vs. 8)

Application Questions from II Thess. 1:1-4
1) What must we first embrace from God in order to be at peace with God? (vs. 2)

2) How do we receive more grace from God? (Jas. 4:6)

3) For what two things was Paul bound to give thanks concerning the Thessalonians? (vs. 3)

4) How does our faith grow? (Rom. 10:17)

5) In what area have you grown in your faith within the last three months?

6) Are you stronger in faith or in love toward others?

7) Who was at Corinth with Paul when he penned I & II Thessalonians?