Examining the Epistles

Examining the Epistles

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Final Review of Themes & Thoughts From I Thessalonians

       Thank you for being a part of this study as we examine the inspired epistles penned by the Apostle Paul. Next week we will begin a verse by verse study on II Thessalonians. Throughout this week, we will take some time to review all of the themes and thoughts that we have examined in this Epistle, so be sure to check back daily. Before you read the review, I would encourage you to stop now and ask God to speak to your heart about areas in which you can grow. Here goes...

I Thess. 1:1 More Than Just a Hello (Message #1)

I. The Picture of the City

  • Thessalonica was the capital city of the Roman province of Macedonia
  • Thessalonica was situated on the Aegean Sea and boasted a large naval base and many hot springs which drew tourists to the city.
  • The Via Egnatia, Rome's largest east to west road cut through the heart of the city.
  • Paul's first visit to the city took place on his first missionary journey. He spent three sabbaths there, but was run out of the city for preaching the gospel.

II. The Position of the Church
  • The letter is penned to the church.
  • Of the 114 times the word "church" is used in the New Testament, 109 of those times it is used to describe a local assembly of believers.
  • Acts 20:28 tells us that the church was purchased with the blood of Christ, and thus it should be of primary importance in our lives.
  • To be in the church, one must first be in Jesus.

III. The Provision for the Christian
  • Grace and peace are the typical salutations that Paul uses to greet those to whom he is writing.
  • There are different kinds of graces for different trials in life.
  • Knowing that God's grace is sufficient should give us peace in our hearts no matter what trial we are going through.
  • God has more grace to give to those who will humble themselves before Him. (Jas. 4:6)

I Thess. 1:2-4 The Best Testimony (Message #2)

I. Gratitude in Prayer (vs. 2)
  • In 6 out of 7 letters penned to churches, Paul is careful to let the churches know that he was grateful for them.
  • Gratitude is an essential part of prayer. (Phil. 4:6; Ps. 100:4)
  • Jesus showed gratitude in prayer. (Jn. 11:41)

II. Graces in Practice (vs. 3)
  • The three Christian graces are faith, hope, and love. (I Thess. 2:3; I Cor. 13:13)
  • The Work of Faith speaks of salvation. (Jn. 6:29)
  • The Labor of Love speaks service to others. (Heb. 6:10)
  • The Patience of Hope speaks of waiting for Christ's return. (I Jn. 3:2-3)
  • The Work of Faith that has been done in the past, the Labor of Love that we are presently involved in, and the Patience of Hope that we have for the return of Christ has been described as the biography of the Christian.

III. God's Initiated Plan (vs. 4)
  • Election does not mean that God has predetermined that some people will go to Heaven and some people will go to hell. (II Pet. 3:9; Titus 2:11; I Tim. 2:3-4)
  • Election is God's decision to accept as His children those who believe on Jesus Christ. For more discussion on this point, check out this archived post.
       I pray that these refreshers will again challenge us from the pages of this first inspired epistle by the Apostle Paul. Feel free to offer up any responses, thoughts, or questions that you might have. Check back tomorrow for a review on messages 3 & 4.

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