Examining the Epistles

Examining the Epistles

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Review of Thoughts and Themes From I Thessalonians
I Thess. 2:14-20 A Bright Hope in a Dark Day (Message #5)

I. The Attack of the Enemy (vs. 14-17)

  • One of the most common encouragements given in Scripture is one that people don't often like to hear: "Others have gone through exactly what you're going through."
  • The reason this should encourage us is because if others endured what we are facing and pressed on by faith, then we can as well.
  • Those who prevent others from hearing the gospel store up for themselves a greater measure of wrath from God.

II. The Averted Endeavor (vs. 17-18)

  • While the Thessalonians were under persecution, Satan was averting any endeavor made by Paul, Silas, or Timothy to get to the Thessalonians.
  • The devil knew what courage and boldness would be brought to the Thessalonians by the return of these three men.
  • The Christian faith is a one-another faith.

III. The Attention on the End (vs. 19-20)

  • One endeavor that Satan will have no power to avert will be the endeavor of the Savior to gather the children of God home!
  • Every soul you've brought to the Savior will be a jewel in your crown of rejoicing when Jesus returns.
  • Though we live in a dark day, may God help us to focus on the fact that we serve a ruling & reigning, conquering & coming King!

I Thess. 3:1-5 Truths Seldom Told (Message # 6)

I. Timothy's Resume (vs. 1-2)

  • Paul sent the best man he could to inquire as to the welfare of the Thessalonians.
  • Paul spoke in glowing terms about Timothy.
  • How do we speak about one another?

II. Tough Reminders (vs. 3-4)

  • We are appointed unto affliction and will suffer tribulation.
  • We cause people to become disillusioned when we lead them to believe that if they trust Christ as their Savior it will solve all of their problems.
  • Getting saved does not erase the storms of life, but it does give us a companion Who has already gone through the storms and knows how to lead us safely through.

III. Temptation's Revelation (vs. 5)

  • Trials and temptations reveal the authenticity of our faith.
  • Trials of faith are precious because they reveal to us whether or not our faith is genuine.
  • There will be times when we feel as if all of our labor and love for others in the Lord was in vain. (Heb. 6:10)

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